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office 365 certified
  1. Do your goods come with free delivery?  All deliveries around West Yorkshire and within a 30 mile radius of Leeds are free of charge
  2. Do your prices include VAT?   All of our prices exclude VAT
  3. Are all of your goods in stock for collection if required?   Inkjet papers and popular inks are in stock at our unit in Leeds
  4. Is your bureau service open to the public? Yes call in, or call first, email drawings and collect 🙂
  5. I have a problem with a large format printer?  Call us for FREE Advice
  6. Do you offer credit accounts? Yes subject to status and cash payment on first order
  7. I have a query relating to a problem with an account?  Please call Paul Atkinson on 0113 335 1444
  8. I have an IT issue relating to a machine I bought from you what do I do?  Please call Stuart Palm on 0113 335 1444
Beat the 2024 Price Rises Switch to a LOCAL LEEDS & YORKSHIRE SUPPLIER. FREE Delivery*. Plotter Rolls from £9.31 + vat. Email for a QUICK QUOTE to see how much you can SAVE or CALL 0113 335 1444

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